Report: Steve Harvey Accused Of Ignoring Staffers Following Show Cancellation

Published: Wednesday 29th May 2019 by David

Steve Harvey‘s staffers are enraged with how they have been treated by the talkshow host and are taking to Radar Online to lift the lid on the volatile nature of their working relationship with him.

Allegations below…

Harvey’s show was dissolved weeks ago to make room for projects its parent platform believe will generate more revenue for the company. Since then, the entertainer has been met with messages of support from fans who feel he was owed a dismissal far more befitting of his star status.

Alas, some of his staffers have joined the chorus of boos and laughter he has received from critics and- according to Radar- spreading his business left, right and centre.

Steve didn’t know many of his staff’s names, so he didn’t have many to forget. The few staff who have his email and contact number have already been deleted and the one or two farewell notes he received were not returned. After a show gets cancelled its usual for the host to take the crew and producers out to say thank you and goodbye. However, with Steve it’s out-of-site, out-of-mind. He will be blaming them for getting bumped.

Mo’Nique, the Oscar winning actress Steve faced heat for criticising on his show, condemned his naysayers earlier this week.

Steve is yet to respond to the potentially baseless claims.

Your thoughts?


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  1. Rosemarie May 29, 2019

    I will miss the Steve Harvey Show. I.have had great afternoons of laughter watching him.
    I wish him.much success in the future.

  2. Maxx May 29, 2019

    He will be okay as long as he has invested his funds & not just spending has it appears to be on Instagram. Plus he is shopping around his show to other networks.

  3. CM Bradford May 29, 2019

    Mr Harvey does know what to say , and it does sound good but how do you walk around people that work for you and don’t even speak, people who are no longer employed that have considerably less than you , I’m sure and not even acknowledge their situation not a Thank you for what you all have done we will Pray for our future , What could be easier than that? Always remember that we know where we have been but our future is a mystery & a foundation built on sand is sure to crack and fall

  4. Fv wildcat May 29, 2019

    Yes things happen in an unusual way. One day we are up and one day we are down. But most of all black make celebrities, need to learn how to respect black woman and humble themselves, and stop getting on tv and putting black women down and stop telling women worship and kiss up to a man.
    Plus some of those famous black females in tv, need to also remeber that they could fall from their high pedestal too. And do not forget you are still black . Things always come back around.

  5. Elaine May 29, 2019

    I will miss the Steve Harvey Show. No matter how your day starts up, after seeing his show you can’t help to feel lighter and cheerier. I will not be watching what goes in his place.

    • MrsWovl May 29, 2019

      Cancelling Steve Harvey for Kelly Clarkson is bulls***!!!! I can’t wait to see which SMART network picks Steve up and what doors God opens for Steve!!! YOU SUCK #NBCUniversal

  6. Reginald Peters May 29, 2019

    I agree Steve just on prayers when something goes wrong u should pray regardless bro good or bad times and acknowledge your staff members who were a big part of your show and it’s success. Recognize Steve Harvey !

  7. Reginald Peters May 29, 2019

    Steve just don’t pray when things go wrong brother we should pray regardless good or bad. And remember to acknowledge your staff members who were a big part of your show and it’s success. Recognize Steve Harvey.

  8. Altonette Henson May 29, 2019

    Leave Steve alone. Pray for him. Steve probably didn’t know half his staff. He doesn’t owe them a thing. The gig is up find another job or go on unemployment. Stop the hateful language. Why would the staff want him to take them out anyway if they dislike him so much. Haters.

  9. Juanita Byrd May 29, 2019

    Karma’s a b—-.he loss sight of where he came from.

  10. Lonnie Black May 29, 2019

    “Karma” Steve and how he treated talked about the ex-wife. But yet had the nerve to try to tell others how to be in a relationship.
    He didn’t reach out to others
    ( blacks) “Greed” look at you now! And no he doesn’t owe no one anything but it’s nice to be considerate kindness if he’s a praying man to know the staff.
    hopefully you did invest your money cuz you better do something quick with that wife that you have.

  11. MrsWovl May 29, 2019

    Cancelling Steve Harvey for Kelly Clarkson is bulls***!!!! I can’t wait to see which SMART network picks Steve up and what doors God opens for Steve!!! YOU SUCK #NBCUniversal

  12. Danyboo May 30, 2019

    He ain’t got no job no more, wtf would he take an enormous crew of people out to eat. In awkward silence at that! GTFOH.

  13. Maxine Flax May 30, 2019

    I just like to say he is so right for just annoying where he has come and never will forget that I am also from where Steve harvy was born Welch W.Va and to make from there it all speak for it self Mr Havey Kerry the faith God will always be shining armor for you and your soul God Bless You.West Virginia All Most Heaven.

  14. Darlene Thornton May 30, 2019

    He did something he wasn’t suppose to do for the sake of A DOLLAR. So he got what he deserved, being let go. As for his staff they knew he treated them like S*** in the past so why would they think he’d be different now Steve Harvey is about MONEY, and doesn’t care who he steps on to get it. I for one am glad he got the don’t BITE the hand that feeds you. The Lord does not like UGLY and that’s what Steve is very UGLY.

  15. Lynnise Gandy May 30, 2019

    Don’t forget to “PRAY.” “I LOVE IT” Nothing else need to be said. DROP THE MIC!!! “BELIEVERS” know it is something AWESOME when the page is turned. I am SO VERY MUCH going to MISS Steve Harvey Talk Show and Little Big Guy. “STEVE IS THE BEST” I couldn’t wait to watch and see what would be next. I REALLY ENJOYED THE SHOWS.

  16. Lee Dudley May 30, 2019

    Do not like Steve. He is just a puck. So is it his gangster wife that was in love with two dope dealing brothers. Now A High class H**.

  17. DRAC May 30, 2019

    The Brother’s overrated the love doctor. BULL!!! He still has his radio show. And other projects should not be any complaints 4what I see

  18. Keyera May 30, 2019

    This article give absolutely no information about the situation or anything that is happening with the ex staff. Why did you even publish this? Especially with such a clickbait title.

  19. Karen D Wilkins May 30, 2019

    Steve keep praying, and be faithful to” God,” because he’s been GOOD to you.

  20. Nancy Rogers May 30, 2019

    Bring back Steve! Finally you get a great show and then you drop it…I don’t understand! My days will not be the same without Steve!!!
    I will miss this show so much! I just wish Steve Harvey all the best as he moves forward. He has helped so many people!
    We love you and will miss you on this show. But…will see you on The Feud!!
    Best of everything to you Steve!

  21. eric May 30, 2019

    That is one person’s account of Steve’s relationship with his staff; it may or may not be true. It sounds more bitter than anything else. If Steve didn’t talk to you, why do you care to go into so much detail about it? You didn’t get your thank you dinner. So what? Move on.

  22. I hate blacc and whyyte bitchezz . May 31, 2019

    He is a comedian, joke is on you. HaHaaa. Steve grabbed his bag and left

    • SMH May 31, 2019

      Then they would have said he resigned, not canceled & replaced. Try again.

  23. SMH May 31, 2019

    Anytime you forget where you came from, they ALWAYS remind you, no matter how far you’ve gone or how much money you’ve made. Steve might want to remember this for the next time while he’s “praying”.

  24. Geraldine Hughes June 3, 2019

    The bible says pride comes before the fall. I think Steve got the big head and forgot how to treat those below him.

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